分鏡 (Storyboard) | 繪本情節 (Story Description) | 英文AI生成Prompt (English AI Prompt) |
1 | 老師宣布科技競賽,學生熱情報名參加。 | "Once upon a time, the teacher announced a technology competition, and the students eagerly signed up to participate." |
2 | 學生們組隊討論創意,激發彼此的靈感。 | "The students formed teams and discussed ideas, inspiring each other's creativity." |
3 | 比賽進行中,學生遭遇技術問題和挫折。 | "During the competition, students encountered technical issues and setbacks." |
4 | 老師鼓勵他們:『堅持下去,相信自己。』 | "The teacher encouraged them: 'Keep going and believe in yourselves.'" |
5 | 學生們開始重新檢視和改進他們的項目。 | "The students started to review and improve their projects." |
6 | 另一個挑戰出現,學生們面臨時間壓力。 | "Another challenge arose, and the students faced time pressure." |
7 | 學生們團結合作,共同克服難關。 | "The students united and worked together to overcome the difficulties." |
8 | 比賽接近尾聲,學生們全力以赴展示作品。 | "As the competition neared its end, the students gave their all to showcase their projects." |
9 | 學生們經歷了失敗和成功,不斷學習成長。 | "The students experienced both failure and success, constantly learning and growing." |
10 | 最終評審公布結果,他們獲得第一名。 | "In the end, the judges announced the results, and they secured the first-place position." |
11 | 故事傳達給學生:『有志者事竟成』。 | "The story conveys to students: 'Where there's a will, there's a way'." |
12 | 學生們明白堅持努力帶來成就的重要性。 | "The students understand the importance of perseverance and hard work in achieving success." |
上色方法 英文翻譯
水彩風格 Watercolor style
粉彩風格 Pastel style
油畫風格 Oil painting style
彩色鉛筆風格 Colored pencil style
酒精墨水風格 Alcohol ink style
膠彩風格 Acrylic style
筆墨風格 Ink and brush style
鋼筆水墨風格 Pen and ink style
紙雕風格 Paper sculpture style
數位繪畫風格 Digital painting style
網點風格 Pointillism style
手工染色風格 Hand dyeing style
混合媒材風格 Mixed media style
雙筆風格 Dual brush style